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مترادف ها (Synonyms ) در زبان انگليسي (‌اسم ، صفت ،‌قيد )

شروع موضوع توسط MiTra ‏5/1/11 در انجمن زبان خارجی

  1. پیشکسوت انجمن کاربر ارزشمند❤

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    idea something that you think of, especially something that you could do or suggest : I think that’s an excellent idea. | Let me know if you have any good ideas.
    thought something that comes into your mind : The thought had entered my mind that he might be lying. | It was a worrying thought. | She was lost in her thoughts.
    impression the idea that you have in your mind about what someone or something is like : What was your impression of him?
    inspiration a good and original idea, which makes you think of doing or creating something : Where did you get your inspiration from for the book? | He suddenly had a flash of inspiration. | The design for the house was entirely the inspiration of the architect.
    brainwave British English , brainstorm American English a sudden new and clever idea, especially one that solves a problem : I thought I’d have to sell the house, but then I had a brainwave.
    concept an idea of how something is, or how something should be done : Concepts of beauty are different in different cultures. | the traditional concept of marriage
    notion an idea about life or society, especially one that is a little silly or old-fashioned : There is no evidence to support the notion that poverty is caused by laziness
  2. پیشکسوت انجمن کاربر ارزشمند❤

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    intelligent having a high level of mental ability, and good at thinking clearly and understanding ideas : The top universities aim to select the most intelligent students.
    clever especially British English , smart especially American English intelligent, so that you can think and learn quickly and find ways to solve problems : That was very clever of you. How did you do that? | I wasn’t smart enough to be a lawyer.
    bright intelligent – used especially about children and young people : He’s a very bright kid. | the brightest student in the class
    brilliant extremely intelligent and good at the work you do : a brilliant scientist
    gifted a gifted child is much more intelligent than most other children : a special school for gifted children
    wise able to make good decisions and give sensible advice, especially because you have a lot of experience : a wise old man
    cunning/crafty good at using your intelligence to get what you want, often by making secret plans or tricking people : She was cunning enough to keep this latest piece of information secret. | He’s a crafty old devil!
    brainy informal intelligent and good at studying : My sister is the brainy one in our family
  3. پیشکسوت انجمن کاربر ارزشمند❤

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    new : a new sports centre | a new edition of the book | an entirely new theory of time and space
    brand new completely new : a brand new car | The house looks brand new.
    recent made, produced etc a short time ago : recent research into brain chemistry
    the latest [ only before noun ] the most recent : Have you seen his latest film? | the latest fashions from Paris
    modern different from earlier things of the same kind because of using new methods, equipment, or designs : modern technology | modern farming methods | a modern kitchen
    original new and completely different from what other people have done or thought of before, especially in a way that seems interesting : The play is highly original. | His style is completely original.
    fresh fresh ideas, evidence, or ways of doing things are new and different, and are used instead of previous ones : We need a fresh approach to the problem. | They want young people with fresh ideas. | Police think they may have found some fresh evidence that links him to the murder.
    novel new and different in a surprising and unusual way – used especially about a suggestion, experience, or way of doing something : The club have come up with a novel way of raising cash. | The King was passionately in love, which was a novel experience for him.
    innovative completely new and showing a lot of imagination – used especially about a design or way of doing something : an attractive website with an innovative design | They came up with an innovative approach to the problem.
    revolutionary completely new in a way that has a very big effect – used especially about an idea, method, or invention : a revolutionary treatment for breast cancer | His theories were considered to be revolutionary at the time.
    new-fangled [ only before noun ] used about something that is new and modern but which you disapprove of : My grandfather hated all this newfangled technology
  4. پیشکسوت انجمن کاربر ارزشمند❤

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    place a point or area, especially one that you visit or use for a particular purpose : He’s been to lots of places. | a good meeting place
    position the exact place where someone or something is, in relation to other things : She showed me the position of the village on the map. | I changed the position of the mirror slightly. | Jessica moved to a position where she could see the stage better.
    point a particular place on a line or surface : At this point the path gets narrower. | No cars are allowed beyond this point.
    spot a place, especially a particular kind of place, or a place where something happens. Spot sounds rather informal : She chose a sunny spot. | The area is a favourite spot for windsurfers. | This is the exact spot where I asked her to marry me.
    location a place where someone or something is, or where something happens. Location sounds more formal than place : your exact location | The prisoners were taken to an undisclosed location. | an ideal location for a winter break
    site a place, especially one that will be used for a particular purpose, or where something important happened : the site of a great battle | There are plans to develop the site for housing. | The area has become a dumping site for nuclear waste.
    venue a place where something such as a meeting, concert, game etc takes place : the venue for the next Olympic Games | The hotel is a popular wedding venue.
    scene the place where something bad such as an accident or crime happened : the scene of the crime | Ambulance crews were at the scene within minutes.
    setting the place and the area around it, where something is or where something happens : The hotel is in a beautiful setting. | the setting for the film ‘A Room With a View’ | Beautiful gardens provide the perfect setting for outdoor dining.
    somewhere used for talking about a place when you are not sure exactly which place : She came from somewhere in London.
    whereabouts the place where someone or something is – used especially when you do not know this or do not want to tell people : The whereabouts of the painting is unknown. | He refused to disclose his whereabouts. | I’m not sure about her whereabouts
  5. پیشکسوت انجمن کاربر ارزشمند❤

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    a quiet sound or voice
    quiet not making a loud sound : I heard a quiet voice behind me. | a car with a quiet engine
    low quiet – especially because you do not want people to hear or be disturbed : Doug was on the phone, speaking in a low voice. | I turned the volume down low.
    soft quiet and pleasant to listen to : Soft music was playing in the background. | His voice was soft and gentle.
    silent not making any sound at all : a silent prayer | silent laughter | The machines were virtually silent.
    hushed deliberately quiet because you do not want people to hear – used about people’s voices : They were talking about money in hushed tones. | The doctor’s voice was hushed and urgent.
    faint quiet and difficult to hear because it comes from a long way away : The men went ahead and their voices got fainter and fainter. | the faint sound of bells
    muffled difficult to hear, for example because the sound comes from another room or someone’s mouth is covered by something : Muffled voices were coming from downstairs. | the muffled sound of someone crying
    dull [ only before noun ] a dull sound is not loud – used especially about the sound of something hitting another thing : He hit the ground with a dull thud.
    inaudible too quiet to hear : The sound is inaudible to the human ear. | Her answer came in an almost inaudible whisper.
    a quiet place
    quiet without much noise : It’s so quiet here at night. | This is the quietest room in the house to work in.
    silent with no noise at all : The room fell silent (= became silent ) .
    peaceful ( also tranquil especially written ) quiet in a pleasant and relaxing way : Life’s more peaceful in the countryside. | The hotel is set in tranquil surroundings.
    sleepy [ only before noun ] quiet – used about a town or village where there are not many people and very little happens : a sleepy fishing village
    not saying much
    quiet not saying much : He’s a quiet boy who loves reading. | You’re very quiet tonight, Suzy – are you OK?
    silent not saying anything : Her husband was a big silent man. | Everyone was arguing but I decided to remain silent.
    taciturn / ˈtæsətɜːn, ˈtæsɪtɜːn $ ːrn / formal not talking much and seeming a little unfriendly or bad-tempered : He found Vaughn a taciturn and rather difficult person.
    reticent unwilling to talk to other people, especially about a particular subject : She’s always been reticent about her early life.
    a man/woman of few words someone who does not talk much, especially because they only speak when there is something important to say : My father was a man of few words, but when he spoke everyone listened
  6. پیشکسوت انجمن کاربر ارزشمند❤

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    rude not following the rules of good social behaviour or treating other people with a lack of respect : It’s rude to interrupt. | He’s the rudest man I’ve ever met. | rude remarks about her stomach
    impolite/not polite not following the rules of good social behaviour. Impolite sounds rather formal : It is impolite to stare. | It’s not polite to talk with your mouth full of food.
    cheeky British English , smart/sassy American English behaving in a way that is a little rude, especially when this is amusing or annoying – used especially about children : a cheeky grin | Let go, you cheeky monkey (= cheeky child ) ! | Don’t get smart with me!
    tactless saying things that are likely to upset or embarrass someone, without intending to : a tactless remark | How could you be so tactless?
    offensive speaking or behaving in a way that is likely to upset or offend someone : His remarks are offensive to African-Americans. | offensive language
    insulting speaking or behaving in a way that is very rude and offensive to someone : comments that are insulting to women | The article was full of insulting language.
    discourteous / dɪsˈːtiəs $ ːr- / formal rather rude. Discourteous sounds very formal and is often used when talking about being careful not to upset someone’s feelings : He did not wish to appear discourteous towards his host. | It would seem discourteous to refuse her offer.
    ill-mannered ( also bad-mannered ) especially written behaving in a rude way, especially because you have never been taught how to behave politely : Ill-mannered movie-goers talked throughout the entire picture. | It was very bad-mannered.
    disrespectful not showing the proper respect for someone or something : I felt her comments were disrespectful to all the people who have worked so hard on this project.
    impertinent formal not showing a proper respect for someone, especially by asking or talking about subjects that you do not have a right to know about : an impertinent question about his private life | an impertinent young man | Would it be impertinent to ask how old you are?
    insolent formal behaving in a way that is deliberately very rude to someone in authority : The girl’s only response was an insolent stare. | Don’t be so insolent!
    impudent formal rude, and having no respect for people who are older or more important : The boy gave an impudent smile.
    irreverent showing a lack of respect for someone or something who people are supposed to respect – used especially about comedy programmes and newspaper articles : an irreverent look at the week’s events | his irreverent sense of humour
    cheeky boy/monkey/grin
    impertinent question
    insulting behaviour/remark/comment/language
    insolent stare/tone
    tactless remark/question/attempt
  7. پیشکسوت انجمن کاربر ارزشمند❤

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    smell something that you can recognize by breathing in through your nose : the smell from the kitchen | What’s that awful smell? | the sweet smell of roses
    whiff something that you smell for a short time : He caught a whiff of her perfume. | a whiff of apple blossom
    scent a smell – used especially about the pleasant smell from flowers, plants, or fruit. Also used about the smell left by an animal : The rose had a beautiful scent. | Cats use their scent to mark their territory. | the sharp, dying scent of autumn | the heady scent (= strong scent ) of magnolias
    fragrance/perfume a pleasant smell, especially from flowers, plants, or fruit. Fragrance and perfume are more formal than scent : the sweet perfume of the orange blossoms | Each mango has its own special fragrance.
    aroma formal a pleasant smell from food or coffee : the aroma of fresh coffee | The kitchen was filled with the aroma of mince pies.
    odour British English , odor American English formal an unpleasant smell : An unpleasant odour was coming from the dustbins. | the odor of stale tobacco smoke
    pong British English informal an unpleasant smell : What’s that horrible pong?
    stink/stench a very strong and unpleasant smell : I couldn’t get rid of the stink of sweat. | The toilet gave off a terrible stench
  8. پیشکسوت انجمن کاربر ارزشمند❤

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    thief someone who steals things from a person or place : The thief grabbed her handbag and ran off down the street. | Car thieves are operating in this area.
    burglar someone who goes into houses, offices etc to steal things : Burglars broke into the house and took a computer worth £1,000. | Police believe the burglar got in through the kitchen window.
    robber someone who steals from banks, offices, houses etc, especially using threats or violence : a gang of bank robbers | an armed robber (= a robber with a gun )
    shoplifter someone who takes things from shops without paying for them, especially by hiding them in their clothes or in a bag : The store has installed hidden cameras to catch shoplifters.
    pickpocket someone who steals from people’s pockets, especially in a crowded public place : Look out for pickpockets in busy tourist areas.
    mugger a thief who violently attacks someone in the street and robs them : The mugger punched him in the face and tried to steal his wallet.
    joyrider someone who steals a car and drives it very fast for fun : Police pursued the teenage joyriders across three counties.
    looter someone who breaks into shops or homes and steals things, after there has been a natural disaster, a war, or a violent protest : Police chiefs have warned that looters will be shot.
    bandit a member of an armed group of thieves who travel around attacking people in country areas : The village was attacked by a gang of bandits.
    poacher someone who hunts animals, birds etc illegally on other people’s land : Their job is to prevent poachers from killing the elephants
  9. عضو جدید

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    تفاوت double و dual


    این دو صفت معمولاً با اسم‌های زیر می‌آیند:

    double dual
    bed purpose
    doors function
    figures role
    standards approach
    thickness citizenship
    Dual در مورد چیزهایی به کار می‌رود که دارای دو قسمت، دو کاربرد یا دو نمود و وضع دارند.

    Double هم مشابه همان dual است و در مورد چیزهایی استفاده می‌شود که دو قسمت هستند و آن دو قسمت عین هم‌اند یا بسیار شبیه هم هستند؛ و نکتۀ آخر اینکه double برای چیزهایی هم که برای دو نفر یا برای دو چیز ساخته می‌شوند یا اندازۀ دو برابرِ حد معمول دارند، به کار می‌رود؛ البته این نکته ضروری‌ست که مورد آخر برای dual کاربرد ندارد.

    تفاوت مترادف‌های دیگر
    آخرین ویرایش: ‏3/11/21